Connect to Kali NetHunter VNC Server From Local Network

Congrats, you figured out how to install Kali NetHunter on your phone. Now, you want to connect to it from your PC on the same network?

How NetHunter's kex VNC Script Works

The KeX program that comes with NetHunter is actually just a bash script.

kex is actually just some simple wrapping around Xtigervnc.

Try running it once, then kill it:

which kex # Shows us the location of kex, for me, that's /usr/bin/kex
cat /usr/bin/kex # Let's look inside
kex # Lets run it once, it'll make us set a password on the first run
killall Xtigervnc # End the vnc service. If you see nothing, it worked

Run a VNC Server Open to Your Local Network

Copy this one important line from that file: (This might be different on your phone – make sure to copy it from wherever which kex is!)

export HOME=${HOME}; export USER=${USR}; LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ vncserver $SCREEN

The important part, we're going to paste it into our terminal, but modify it by adding -localhost no to the end.

tl;dr, The Command You Want to Run:

export HOME=${HOME}; export USER=${USR}; LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ vncserver $SCREEN -localhost no
